Explore New Health Care Coverage
April 8, 2021
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed into law this March. Included was the expansion of accessible and affordable healthcare. Packard Health is encouraging its patients to explore the options well before the August 15 deadline. The decision tree summarizes and compares the new options and lists contact information for assistance.
A few things to look into:
- Current Marketplace enrollees should check if they can now improve their coverage or reduce their costs. Even if enrollees choose to stay in the same plan, they should re-enroll before the deadline to receive significant discounts.
- Those who received unemployment in 2021 and were not eligible for health insurance can now receive a zero-premium benchmark Silver plan.
- The ARP also extends the deadline to enroll in COBRA. Those eligible for COBRA because they were laid off or their hours were reduced can get a 100 percent premium subsidy from April 1 to September 30.

Source: Washtenaw Health Initiative